Expert Water Consulting Services

hagoscon  Logo: A stylized representation of the company's name, with vibrant colors and modern design. Consulting in hydrology, borehole drilling, groundwater studies, safe drinking water solutions and water management.
Geneva, Switzerland
09:00 - 17:00
+41 22 700 30 05

Construction Supervision

Construction is an all-purpose expression commonly used in the civil engineering industries. It practically means, among others, the construction of steel and timber structures, buildings, irrigation infrastructures, roads as well as dams including other hydraulic structures.

In the construction that comprises of cement, as concrete and aggregate need to meet the standard quality, conformity to these types of specifications is frequently required. Therefore, construction supervision mainly verifies the conformity of the quality of the work with the planned project designs.

Moreover, on-site supervision provides a precise inspection of project advancement; address issues before and as they occur. Hence a real-time monitoring system is essential to complete the project on schedule and on the planned budget, whilst meeting all vital legislation and quality standards.

An Independent site engineer placed permanently on-site needed to accomplish the task.

  • The supervisor  pursues the progress of the works at the site in accordance with the contract agreement and notifies the employer regarding the challenges and modifications required,
  • Assures the presence of valid drawings and required permits monitors the essential safety procedures and proficiencies of the employees for the execution of the particular task,
  • Monitors the construction materials and appliances fitted, including storage and handling of materials, and
  • Verifies that the contractor makes the required tests/assessments on the materials before using them, for instance, the strength tests of concrete, water tanks, water lines, sewers, and as well as other construction materials.

He also controls and makes a decision in coordination with the employing company pertaining to the amendments or recommendations of the detailed designs provided by the contractor. Organizes and ensures precise documentation of the activities as outlined by the agreed formats. Additionally, it validates and verifies as-built drawings delivered by the contractors.

This means that an independent construction supervisor can certainly help direct projects to complete on schedule, on planned budget, and in conformity with the required quality standards.

Hydro & civil engineers consulting firm renders seasoned supervisors, competent in the construction industry and assist you to attain the desired objectives.

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